Author : Dr. Parikshit Singh Chauahan

Date : 29-Jun-2023

The incredible benefits of a sacred Ayurvedic treatment Akshi Tarpan/Netra Tarpan/Aschyotana.


Akshi Tarpan, derived from the Sanskrit words "Akshi" meaning eyes and "Tarpan" meaning nourishment, is a time-honored practice that has been used for centuries to rejuvenate and care for the eyes.

The eyes are not only the windows to the soul but also the most delicate and vulnerable organs of our body. In today's digital age, we subject our eyes to excessive screen time, environmental pollution, and stress, leading to eye fatigue, dryness, strain and eye disease. Akshi Tarpan offers a natural solution to these modern-day concerns.

Additionally, Akshi Tarpan helps improve blood circulation around the eyes, promoting better oxygenation and nutrient delivery to the eye tissues. This, in turn, can enhance vision clarity and overall eye health.

One of the most significant benefits of Akshi Tarpan is its ability to reduce eyestrain caused by prolonged screen time or reading. The cooling effect of the ghee or oils used in this treatment helps relax the eye muscles, all eviating fatigue and restoring their vitality.

Akshi Tarpan not only has physical benefits but also offers a sense of deep relaxation and rejuvenation. As you undergo this treatment, you can experience a profound connection with yourself, allowing your mind to find peace and tranquility.



ØDarkness in front of the eyes

ØStiffness of the eyes

ØDryness of the eyes

ØDisease of the eyes to vitiation of vata and pitta doshas

Ø Visual performance enhancement

Ø Digital eye strain relief

Ø Productivity boost

Ø Prevention of eye disorders

Ø Enhanced work efficiency

Ø Eye fatigue reduction

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